Mobile Presence is one of the marketing services provided by Hockey Science & Technology.

Websites were commercialized 20 years ago. Today they are still a multi-keystroke digital commodity but much like a phone number and an email address, they are necessary to operating a business. However, tech experts have started to write about the death of “www” as access to content and services is now being done through touch, voice, audio matching, image matching, scanning, augmented reality, geo-location and proximity detection primarily through the use of mobile devices.

Mobile presence is essential in a digital world. Your market spends a significant amount of time with their mobile devices to navigate to rinks, play music at hockey games, post and check scores, keep track of their skill development, read sports articles, enter game and practice dates, check store hours, update social networks and more.

This blog will help your company, team, tournament, league or association learn about the growth of the mobile and the need for mobile presence.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Digital Marketing for the Hockey Brands

This slide illustrates our view of digital marketing opportunities for brands.  You will see that we have mobile presence on top.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Slideshow: 6 Consumer Trends You Need to Pay Attention To | LinkedIn

This presentation confirms that our company is going in the right direction with mobile presence, quality content marketing and video.  We just need more brands to understand this.  Consumer time spent with TV, radio and newspaper is dropping.  Time with internet (including apps and digital content) is increasing.

I like the reference to 'Touch Here'.  We try not to use the word 'click' that much in our content.  We're not big on 'www' access to info given that there a new mobile technologies emerging that do not require a multi-keystroke commodity platform.

The slide show is short yet to the point with some powerful metrics.

Slideshow: 6 Consumer Trends You Need to Pay Attention To | LinkedIn

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