Mobile Presence is one of the marketing services provided by Hockey Science & Technology.

Websites were commercialized 20 years ago. Today they are still a multi-keystroke digital commodity but much like a phone number and an email address, they are necessary to operating a business. However, tech experts have started to write about the death of “www” as access to content and services is now being done through touch, voice, audio matching, image matching, scanning, augmented reality, geo-location and proximity detection primarily through the use of mobile devices.

Mobile presence is essential in a digital world. Your market spends a significant amount of time with their mobile devices to navigate to rinks, play music at hockey games, post and check scores, keep track of their skill development, read sports articles, enter game and practice dates, check store hours, update social networks and more.

This blog will help your company, team, tournament, league or association learn about the growth of the mobile and the need for mobile presence.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

How Much Mobile Time Does Your Brand Get?

Even if you have your own corporate app, there are other ways to get more consumer mobile time with your brand.  This Flurry report breaks down the average 2 hours and 38 minutes consumers spend on their smartphones and tablets.

Flurry Five-Year Report: It’s an App World. The Web Just Lives in It

It will be interesting to see how this changes year over year.  I suspect that the amount of time with apps will increase and the amount of time with Facebook will decrease as other social platforms develop and us humans integrate with them.  Nonetheless, its been 5 years since the mobile re-invention (read: launch of the App Store).  How long did it take your brand to enter this space...or are you still behind (read: 100% resources on website development and SEO (read: lost in a sea polluted with digital goop hoping to be found)?

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