Mobile Presence is one of the marketing services provided by Hockey Science & Technology.

Websites were commercialized 20 years ago. Today they are still a multi-keystroke digital commodity but much like a phone number and an email address, they are necessary to operating a business. However, tech experts have started to write about the death of “www” as access to content and services is now being done through touch, voice, audio matching, image matching, scanning, augmented reality, geo-location and proximity detection primarily through the use of mobile devices.

Mobile presence is essential in a digital world. Your market spends a significant amount of time with their mobile devices to navigate to rinks, play music at hockey games, post and check scores, keep track of their skill development, read sports articles, enter game and practice dates, check store hours, update social networks and more.

This blog will help your company, team, tournament, league or association learn about the growth of the mobile and the need for mobile presence.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Is Your Website Mobile Friendly?

Have you visited your website through a mobile browser lately?  Does it appear the same as it does on a desktop computer or is it formatted for easy reading and navigation?

A few things to think about here.  Web browsing on a mobile device only accounts for 20%, on average, of a users total data time.  If your site is hard to read, they won't spend time with it.  Lastly, if it is not mobile friendly, it moves down the mobile search results rankings.

This article explains how and why your rankings will slip.  While they use job recruiting companies as an example, this could apply to your hockey business too.

The Mobile Candidate Experience — It’s Already Too Late -

Alternatively, you can bypass all of this by just having your own app.  That's where 80% of mobile user data time is spent...with apps installed on their device(s).

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